AITA for wanting to work when my girlfriend was sick?

So wait. She's been telling you her stomach isn't feeling well for two days now and you're insisting it's /only/ a stomach ache?

Buddy you know dehydration can present as a stomach ache? Did you know you can get dehydrated even when drinking (inb4: I've literally had this happen to me and it almost killed me because I didn't recognize the signs).

A NORMAL stomach ache lasts less than 24 hours. If it's still hiring for two days now, you need to get her to a doc to rule out dehydration (and no, just giving her water or Gatorade will not help if it's dhyrdation, you need a drip), a stomach ulcer that's developed, etc etc.

You are not a doctor. You do not know what the cause of the stomach ache is and you don't seem to care.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent