Alexandre Bissonnette identified as suspect in #QuebecShooting. Mohamed Khadir, originally identified as a suspect, has now been named as a witness.

Usually just crazy people lashing out. Very few were labelled terrorist attacks. In terms of murder and crime, white males are at the very bottom of the (male) list of likely offenders. Facts continue to trigger liberals though:

In 1989, Julian Fantino, then police head of the division, told the Committee on Community, Race, and Ethnic Relations of the former city of North York (which was amalgamated with five other municipalities and Toronto in 1998) that black people were largely overrepresented in in the commission of crime. While composing only 6% of the population of the area at the time, black people accounted for 82% of robberies and muggings, 55% of purse-snatchings, and 51% of drug offenses in the previous year, according to Fantino’s statistics.

It is funny that facts trigger liberals so much they legislated to have those facts banned and now race or ethnic statistics are no longer reported.

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