Alightly everyone, I want to know what your fitness story is. How you started, what got you into it, and where you're at now.

At the age of 39 - after a good run of admin desk jobs, something needed to change. I'd been very underweight most of my life, but by late 20's I was like - where's this coming from? By late 30's I'd really started to say - hay man dammit. I'd done some swimming but had never done regular scheduled exercise. I've never really exercised - as I'm tall, and can sort of hide fat bits well.

So 2012- I took my self off to a Muai Thai studio for 2 times a week. Ahh the passing out under the air conditioning drenched in sweat, unable to get out of my car because - shakes, thinking I've got to be able to do more than a minute's skipping? Of course being at one with my shins was painful.....

Then I moved in to a large city- where another MT gym suggested some strength and conditioning 3 x a week. I had a very fit house mate that did cross fit. He insisted I do (strength and conditioning) - which was a session taken by a very cool lady that introduced me to squats, kettlebells, sit ups, press ups - weights... My house mate and I shared a big packet of protein powder. It was a good time.

He went from a confirmed bachelor of 10 years, and after being my house mate of a year - found/dated, and moved in with his new girlfriend and is well and truly in love which is awww. I like to think that he made me exercise, and I made him more "chilled" to his girlfriend - so we both won.

So yeah I'm in a new place - and now I'm at a gym 3 times a week - I do have some shapes in my arms and legs, I can fit smaller clothes - but I have more to go and more to shape. The more you learn the more you want to do more.

It is a shock to find that all my peers around my age group are all pretty fat. It's like - there was a default, being aware of your fitness or not giving a dam and drinking crap loads and getting morbidly obese. I'm still pretty large - but as compared to 2 years ago, and two dress sizes large? I'm doing fine.

/r/Fitness Thread