To all baristas:

Absolutely! You are a kind person for even being in the line of work you were in. Our bodies are made of the building blocks of flesh and blood. It is very scary and frightening to see what happens when something goes wrong. It is such a fine line between life and death.... just a heartbeat, I guess. I work in the medical field, and I have seen nurses almost complete their training, then see something less than what you have seen, and say , "I am done." When I was finishing my final school rotation, (26 years ago), it was this time of year, and I was in a hospital. There was a 12 year old boy that was helping his father, and got the hood of his sweatshirt stuck in the tractor, and just nearly decapitated the boy in front of his father. He lived for several weeks aided by life support. Every day we had to walk by that family, and I thought " I will never be able to do this. I will work in a different setting". And I did, until about 12 years ago, when I started hospital work. I had grown to know that I am able to use my skill. I am also a hospice volunteer. I have learned through that training that death is a stage that will happen for all of us. We can only hope that it is with dignity and someone there to help hold our hand. And, YOU did that. Even if it was scary or clumsy. You pulled out from inside of you the very best of what it takes to be a fellow human, for a stranger. And, if you believe there is a God, he chose you to be there that day. So, think about that... there is blood, and smells, and the stuff of nightmares, but you are the last person on earth to hear that woman breathe in and out. And, that is honorable.

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