'All the beds are taken up by Covid victims': Hospitals in the South are running out of space or staff

I wasn't raised Christian but I've always thought there is plenty of value in the Bible - Sermon on the Mount comes to mind. Often when I'm pissed off about this thing or that I think about the verse "Consider the lilies in the field...they toil not but even King Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed like one of these." It's about seeing the beauty right in front of you and not getting caught up in all the bullshit. It's extremely Buddhist in my view.

But in regards to that verse about the meek shall inherit the Earth. I've always thought it was about how humankind lived for hundreds of thousands of years in harmony with nature. Sure, I'm sure some neckbeard will come in at this point with some actually story about Easter Island or some shit, but the point is this - the way we are living destroyed the fucking environment. Point blank. Do all the mental gymnastics you want but that's a fact.

And when I look at what our industrial society is based on it's everything the Bible says don't do. Don't be greedy, don't be prideful. Those are things that get glorified in our society. Including things we all take for granted as symbols of "success" like McMansions that are way bigger than any human could possibly need. And the thing is they are nothing but monuments to pride and ego. Our entire society is based on hubris. So that's what I think we I think about the meek shall inherit the Earth.

Because the simple fact is they shall. Because the first thing to collapse in industrial society is going to be civilization. It's going to be tribes like the Masai and undiscovered tribes in the Amazon that our going to survive. People that have never been infected with our whole arrogant anti-nature way of living.

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