To All The Guys Recently DESTROYED By A Woman

To add to your perspective of "destroyed", and what it meant for my path.

Divorced 10 days before my 42nd birthday. I was put through a deposition with no minor children, no high value assets. 2 hours of interrogation from her lawyer delving into my past, issues from my teen years all for the enjoyment of my ex-wife. I was given a full vocational examination. Her lawyer subpoenaed 2 1/2 years of all financial records, 13 years of employment records, went after full mental health records (only got treatment notes) and was harassed and stalked by my ex during the divorce process.

She never filed a financial disclosure with the courts (that's public record. My state requires you to have that filed within 4 months). She never responded to our requests for financial information. My lawyer was shit, her lawyer was very very good. Plus, her lawyer has a reputation in this area for taking ONLY female clients and she is a hardcore feminist. I didn't stand a chance.

I have C-PTSD from the abuse that this nutcase heaped on me for 10 years. She obviously has a mental issue, as did I before 3+ years of therapy. Some of the things she did were very emasculating and two years divorced, I cannot have sex because of the abuse and mental torture she put me through. I can't even date properly because of the fear and panic issues I am still working through.

What does this have to do with being destroyed? This:

No matter what I lost, no matter how much pain I went through and still go through in my therapy appointments, I am alive and away from crazy. I now have opportunities and the ability to make my own choices. I am not destroyed, I am alive for the first fucking time in my life.

I have lost over 80 pounds and have gained muscle. My attitude is one of mostly happiness and joy. I am more confident than ever, and my self-worth is through the roof. I read, lift, box and meditate. My life is my own and I am far from "destroyed".

She thought that me losing the house, finding out about her infidelities, betrayal from her entire family would break me. She was wrong. I didn't break. I got strong. Tempered by fire.

Out of destruction comes the new city rebuilt on the ashes of the old. So be destroyed for a day. Rebuilding takes years, but it is worth it. 100%.

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