I almost died today..

For many riders the issue of revenge is big one. Getting almost killed gets pretty personal! I know that feeling. It is tough to not lash out in the heat of the moment.

Knowing what is most important before hand and acting accordingly is key. Do not react from an emotional state. Have a plan either way. Either let it go and not engage at all (because its fucking dangerous) or do it right. Super pissed off? Direct your anger into a plan.

If you decide you must get even with a driver, do it cold blooded. If you can be pissed enough to have a plan and carry it out over some time period, you will be less likely to regret it and more likely to succeed in away that is satisfying. So for example. Don't confront the driver right away. Let them think you simply shrugged it off. Follow them at a distance. See where they go. Maybe they go to work. Maybe they go home. Find out who they are if possible. If this sounds a little crazy then maybe revenge is not for you anyway and that's fine.

If they park somewhere and vehicle is unattended, you can leave a little payback on the vehicle at your leisure, or you can get in the vehicle and get their registration.

Now you have what you really need for pro revenge. The range of possibilities really opens up. This is how you do revenge if it's worth doing. Any other way is bullshit. This should always be in your mind. I expect the vast majority of people would simply let it go before it went this far. And that's as it should be. There's a reason why people say revenge is dish best served cold. But if you have that special case where you can't let it go, Get even and don't get killed in the process.

/r/motorcycles Thread