I am actor Patrick Stewart of Yorkshire, X-Men, Star Trek and Blunt Talk. AMA!

5 thousand some folks before me don't know if you will ever see/hear this. grew up watching TNG. it shaped me quite a lot. things happened and i have ended up in some bad places in my life. the image of "the picard" stuck with me thru it. some of those places put me in spots where i was ordered to do some violent stuff. sometimes it was needed. other times it was not and i did not, got a hell of a lot of yelled at, threatened for not, for "taking a risk" there's people alive today because of that. one i remember was a man driving on a road in the desert i was told to let no person past, to shoot and kill anyone who came to close. he did not stop or turn off as directed i saw a tired man hypnotised by the road driving thru my sights. i lowered my weapon to step aside and physically forced the much higher ranking person next to me to do the same. he passed by our injured without hurting anyone or exploring. most of that attitude in me came from TNG and the person on it i most respected being Picard. When i left that line of work and came home i was hit with memories, of reminders of the horrid things i had seen and done. stuff that never bothered me when i was doing it. i was able to see myself as the empty monster i was. i saw no place for someone whose mind was that of a predator, always looking to rip and vertu but strength from those around me. the best of both worlds, and the story arch of Picard making peace with Locutus let me fix my mind. you, gene roddenberry, and the writers kept me from identifying myself as a enemy, adding another person who is still alive now much in part to TNG. In addition it has kept the anger, fear, and rage that comes from my violent past from pushing into the life i share with others. well it can storm and wreak havoc in my mind when i am alone it dispels instantly around others. much of that is from Refuge, i could see the damage others have caused in similar situations to mine and makes me sick. in regards to me You have improved my life, you have prevented the loss of life, and you have prevented the beginning of a cycle of abuse.

and on to the question. i'm getting married soon, a rather central part of it involves two wines being mixed one from each person. as your character in TNG grew up in a french vineyard and me having little to no knowledge of wine i must ask your advice. what wine/type of wine would you recommend?

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