"Am I being detained?" "Yes."

Are you mentally retarded? Here's the fucking context.

I read one sentence about one side of a relationship that I know absolutely nothing about otherwise. DIVORCE!

See that? That's your dumb ass sarcastically saying "hurrr, it's based on one sentence, it iz nut enuff!!!!!!!!!!" With me so far?

"She stabbed me 18 times because dinner wasn't ready when she got home."


You acted as though one sentence is not enough. I am arguing




Not if it is true in this case. You don't get to say "The sky is blue because magic sky fairies" "No, it's not" "YA HUH! SEE! HERE'S A GUY SHOWING THE SKY IS BLUE." That's not what's being questioned. You implied one sentence is not enough. I'm showing how sometimes it is more than enough. How are you too fucking stupid to understand that?

Is it the same as stabbing me 18 times? If you think it is, you're a fucking weirdo.

Congrats retard, you fulfilled the prophecy.

Oh, and in before someone intentionally misses the point of an analogy, and pretends analogies need to be the EXACT SAME SITUATION, rather than to illustrate a point.

It's an analogy you fucking moron. It was to give an unequivocal example of one sentence being enough to make that statement. That's why you can't actually address the questions STILL. You refuse to even acknowledge them because they prove my point. I never claimed they're the same thing. That's the bullshit argument complete fucking retards like you use when they can't handle the point the analogy is trying to get you to understand.

Here's the claim I'm arguing, lets see if it being big and bold can get it through to you that I am not saying it's OP's case. That I've never said it was OPs case. That I've never made any argument that was depending on it being OP's case.

One sentence can be enough to make suggesting divorce perfectly reasonable, even without knowing anything else about the relationship. That is the claim you made, which I have fucking quoted, that I am arguing against.

YOUR CLAIM: One sentence is not enough to suggest divorce.

"My SO stabbed me 18 times." According to you, that is not sufficient to suggest divorce. Because "credibility."

So which is it, you think stabbing people is okay, lying about people stabbing you is okay, or one sentence is clearly enough to suggest divorce in some cases?

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