I am sick of being accused of mansplaining for trying to contribute to a conversation.

I feel like mansplaining should be a man telling you your experiences aren't what they are and they are different (and I'm talking like birth experiences, sexism in the work place, things that men don't typically understand)

This is exactly how it started. And in that context, I fully support calling men out for mansplaining. But literally every other use of the term beyond this is ridiculous and absurd. It's just women discrediting everything men say, which is incredibly sexist. It's appalling to me that I can be thought of as sexist when I'm the exact opposite.

I genuinely believe men and women should be equal in all regards. But that view doesn't matter to many feminists. They just jump straight to assuming I'm lying. I can't even explain my position. Nothing worse than being gaslit by a fucking wall.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent