I found out my dad isn’t really my dad and I’m half Mexican

I remember seeing a post on Reddit couple weeks ago where the guy asked his wife/girlfriend for a paternity test and everyone was saying she should divorce him and it’s a breach of trust, if my guy asked me that I’ll give him the paternity test and divorce papers blah blah.

Then I see posts like this, we still don’t know what happened to ops mom but if ops dad now at least knows that op is not his biological child then he can make a decision for himself moving forward, I’m pretty sure he loves op and that won’t change but he deserves to know.

Like this is a scary situation to be in, idk why women(at least in that post I saw) have an issue with a paternity test, like just let him have his peace of mind and know that nothing funny is happening.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread