[AMA Request] Ellen Pao, Reddit CEO

I guess on Reddit, truth gets downvoted so much people never even hear about it, despite it being old news.

Funny, I remember when I laughed that the TV news would parrot Reddit days after the fact. That hasn't been true for a while.

Anyway, below is a list of sources for despicable things Ellen Pao has done (copied fromhere).

Of course her fan club downvoted my post, because that's the way of SJW Jesus' followers.


What can you do?

  1. Repost each title to a new and suitable sub, and help others by commenting and making a reasoned discussion on all the titles they post to other subs too.
  2. Install uBlock
  3. Do not gild or buy reddit gold until Ellen Pao is out on her ear

Subreddit mods: Sticky a random fact that finds its way into your sub, ensure this text is there, and rotate them sometimes

Ellen Pao Fact 1: Ellen Pao is a misogynist who spent 7 years giving ALL her female colleagues scathing reviews so they wouldn't be promoted. 12 women suffered.

Ellen Pao Fact 2: Ellen Pao is implicated in stealing $150,000,000 in a ponzi scheme, stealing from firefighters pension funds since 2007/8 with hubby Buddy Fletcher.

Ellen Pao Fact 3: Ellen Pao tried to sue KPCB fraudulently after spending SEVEN YEARS painstaking leaving one-sided paper trails to the tune of 200,000 pages

Ellen Pao Fact 4: Ellen Pao tried to blackmail KPCB into paying her 2.7 million to cover unpaid legal bills for her husband Buddy Fletcher

Ellen Pao Fact 5: Ellen Pao libeled Arnold Schwarzenegger, PROVEN FALSE in court she made up the names of people and dates of events claiming some people told her "Arnie touched someone's ass".

Ellen Pao Fact 6: Ellen Pao defrauded reddit investors by colluding and blackmailing Yishan Wong (the last CEO) into giving her the CEO title for her court trial

Ellen Pao Fact 7: Ellen Pao is building a one-sided file on Alexis Ohanian (kn0thing) and plans to sue him/reddit as a last dash attempt to get cash

Ellen Pao Fact 8: Ellen Pao wants to use some big media event to launch a non-profit to "help women", but really to try and get cash to steal away to pay legal fees

Ellen Pao is a misogynist, the people attacking what she has done are not attacking her, but her actions. WHEN Ellen Pao claims this is sexism, she is doing a massive and expected injustice to women everywhere who face real sexism. Pretending people are attacking you for your gender and not all the manipulative and despicable things you've done is offensive to all men and women Ellen Pao, and you can't get away with it again.

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