Amber is an AMAZING mom!!!!!!

So, I have a theory about why Amber constantly feels the need to claim how amazing of a mother she is. I’ve been rewatching old seasons, and I think it was season 3 when she went to a rehab place because she thought about or attempted suicide. When talking to one of the counselors, they asked her why she wanted to kill herself and she answered “because I’m a terrible mom.” This was right in the throes of her DV charges, and Gary had custody of Leah. She KNEW she was a fuck up. And she almost killed herself because she just couldn’t handle it. But she also doesn’t know how/doesn’t care to put in the effort to be better. And by not trying, you can’t fail, right? So, I think she has to keep telling herself (and everyone) that she’s a good mom so she doesn’t have to face the reality that she’s not, because that’ll take her back to that dark place.

/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 Thread Link -