America, what is holding you back on adopting universal healthcare? If you are against it, why?

If you can't afford health insurance then you're not "contributing to society" as much as you claim to be.

Maybe people are broke because people like you constantly fight reform to make them not broke?

There is only one possible reason a person could ever be broke, and that is that the person is worthless. Only worthless people can be broke. If someone had worth and was brilliant and had a truly unique skillset and a value proposition to society, it's impossible for them to be broke.

Can you name me a single broke person who's intelligent, hard-working, and has a truly unique skillset? I sincerely can't think of one.

There already isn't competition in insurance. You either have it or you go fuck yourself.

You do realize that those profit motivated companies are also lighting your money on fire, right? They're just using it to line their pockets instead of the terrible and absolutely immoral goal of.... reads notes helping others.

Lol you know nothing about insurance. Profit margins are usually only about 5-10 percent of premium if that, and the marketplace is very competitive. Companies are scared to increase rates by even 3-5% out of fear of losing business to a competitor. I work in insurance pricing, so you're just wrong here. I'm sure you'll use that as a reason to slander me instead of admitting you're wrong though.

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