Amy Schumer is mildly displeased with the election results.

Because his presidency and this republican party are going to set human progress back by decades.

Wrong. If the "progress" was worth having, the moment it is gone people will fight to get it back. The reality is their bluff was called on how important it was to people (hint: not very) as a result of the "progress" being shoved down people's throats in the most condescending manner. People will only take being talked down to so long before you get knocked on your ass.

I've said this a hundreds times but it bears repeating: people don't vote on social issues. Democrats cared so much about their "progress" that they didn't even show up to the polls to protect it. Record turn out and they lost ground. She only won the popular vote by 0.2%. Trump outperformed George W. Bush. Think about that for a second.

Personally, I didn't vote for either of them. But, even as a moderate, the sole issue of gun control would've had me voting for Trump if I was forced to choose. Thankfully I didn't have to.

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