Amy Schumer is a self-confessed rapist and thus deserves to be in jail [see below]

Not getting into Trump’s quote or shitty demeanor, but consider your use of the word let. The first time I was assaulted, I let it happen. I was in the fifth grade (he was in his 30s) and just held completely still because I was terrified. I thought in my head, if I do anything, he will murder me. In hindsight, he probably would have not murdered me, but I was a child.

I told a few people who were close to me, but I was too scared to do anything else (report-wise). It happened again with another male (family member) about a year later. Told members of the family and they were basically in disbelief (even though said family member is clearly a terrible human in several respects).

Whenever I see these posts downplaying assault (all women have to do is _____ and the dude’s life is ruined), all I can think is how my assailants never faced any consequences. What we see in the media is not indicative of real life assault (for men or women).

I think it is important to acknowledge that even if you let something like this happen due to fear, it doesn’t mean the victim is to blame. Let me be clear: I do not think you are victim blaming, but I do think the way we talk about assault is important.

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