An 83 year old woman who works in the same hospital as me…passed away last night on the job.

No you are not screaming into a void. There are people out there that hear you and even yell back. I also have been experiencing a similar situation where everyone around me is passing away or getting sick.

First, she was 83 maybe she liked being at the hospital. Maybe she didnt want her family to find her instead. Maybe she was lonely at home and still felt a purpose to be there. Maybe of course I am wrong.

I had a similar experience, a few of my coworkers passed away. And, a few family members as well. Then I decided to go to a war zone. Then I came home and decided to leap into my dreams.

During this time I kept asking myself. If you died right here and now are you doing what you love and want to be doing. What do you plan to do if not. Its interesting what happens when you live with purpose. Often you do crazy things that may even lead to your own demise.

It is the best life I think if you do what you want to do the best you can. Each day decide I will do this for this reason. People ask me why in the world did you go to war zone. Its simple I looked myself in the mirror and said can you live with yourself if you dont. I said no. So I went. My point is maybe knowing she was 83 this is how she wanted to leave this world. Perhaps, the alternative in her mind was not something she could 'live with'

/r/antiwork Thread