To Buy A Tesla3 or Not?

What are the pros and cons and help me to see if I may be missing anything?

Have you factored in the cost of maintenance and limitations (charging times) if you are not within range of supercharge stations? Tesla's are not as mainstream as most mass produced autos such as Ford, Honda and Toyota's. Due to this issues with Tesla's need to go through certified dealerships and do cost some coinage depending on what went wrong. For example there was a Tesla model S user who went into to fix a stuck door handle and ended up paying $3k to replace the entire door.

You mention you drive a lot of miles, which Tesla's do require less overall maintenance than an ICE vehicle, the replacing of the battery after extensive use is going to be another cost in your future.

If you have factored in these other expenses and are prepared for less access to quick servicing as with a common ICE vehicle, then go for it. Just realize Tesla's are not immune from rapid depreciation like all cars, especially when used excessively for travel.

/r/personalfinance Thread