An experience at the hospital a year ago that still bothers me

So many people think that those who are suicidal/depressed are selfish and wanting attention. In addition, so many men engage in casual sexism. To me this means it's not deliberate, it's just ingrained as part of their education as a male. I wouldn't say it is vicious, these people just have their minds set and can't put themselves in someone else's shoes. Their minds can't get to the point where the rest of us have been, where it is very very hard to get out of the pit. Unfortunately, that includes those who work in professional settings like this one. I think the intersection of these two ideals is kind of what you had here. First, the guy probably thought that you were trying to get attention, which goes along with his perception of the world about women or girls in general. Then there is the thought on suicide, where people believe those who are depressed are just making stuff up so they get things and such.

My sister-in-law is a nurse and she told me one day she thought those who committed suicide were horribly selfish people. She was very very angry. She is also a very compassionate person, you have to sort of be compassionate to be a nurse in the first place. She is also probably the most self-assured, determined person I've ever met in my life. This is what she believed, she cannot see from the other viewpoint. And I explained to her and I think I shifted her perception a bit. It's just that you don't see your own value really anymore. All you see is the negative and all you can focus on is the negative, even if you try to get out of that it still happens. When those who are suicidal do this sort of thing they are for the most part honestly doing it from the perception that people would be better off without them. They don't see it as how much people really love them or that they aren't really that bad of a person (quite the opposite). When you're in the pit of despair you can't see much at all except how awful you perceive yourself.

If this sort of thing ever happens again you need to make a complaint and let it be known. Because seriously, while this person may not have been deliberate about it, someone needs to either explain things to them or tell them that this is definitely not the right approach to handling things. And I know that's difficult when you're in the pit. But maybe it's part of the process of getting out of it too. At the very least he needs to learn to listen better and not project his own opinions and beliefs on the situation. Because that could be deadly seriously if he's being careless with his approach to things and having this sort of attitude.

In terms of it sticking to you, you seriously need to know a)it's not bad to choose things because they are pretty. People choose things for style all the time. Men choose super sexy looking cars for the most part because of the aesthetic appeal, because it is "pretty." There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with choosing things because they are pretty, and don't let anyone tell you there is. b) Remember that he is coming from a place of ignorance, and wasn't really listening to begin with, and that he needs to correct himself ASAP. It's not your fault. It is so difficult when we are hypercriticizing ourselves to the point where we take this bullshit and internalize it. It's bullshit and don't let it bother you anymore. You don't have to live with it.

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