An honor student, suspended because of her shirt, may not walk in graduation.

When I was a senior in high school, I played baseball. I actually had three scholarships lined up to D1 schools, as I was pretty good, and came from an even better team.

About a week into baseball season, we had a school dance. A group of us players all came together. I was the last one to go in. I was stopped at the door by the assistant principal. He pulled me aside, said he knew the baseball players were drinking, and that I wasn't allowed in. I just said ok, and walked away.

The next day, I was called into the principal's office. This principal was very involved in the baseball program, so he knew me well. In his office was him, the vice principal, and the baseball coach. They told me if I didn't rat on the other players that were drinking, they would kick me off the team and call the NCAA to report my misconduct. I laughed and walked out, calling their bluff.

The very next night, I got a call from my NCAA rep to tell me that my NCAA eligibility was being revoked for two years, and my scholarships were being rescinded.

The next morning, at 8am exactly, during school announcements, I kicked down the principal's office door, and chased him out into the front lawn. His white hair was completely green after I'd finished rubbing his face in the grass. The other teachers, coaches, even the school police officers did nothing. They sat there and watched. They knew what he did, and they all felt I was giving him what he was owed. I also kicked him in the ribs pretty hard a few times. He had a little trouble breathing for a while.

There was no punishment. In fact, it was almost never mentioned again. I don't get my scholarship back, but I did feel better. Also, I'm probably better off now than I would be if I'd ended up playing baseball for my career.

It's also worth mentioning that he was a very physically fit and strong man in his mid 40's. I wasn't beating up an old man.

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