As an Indian dude am I supposed to accept second place?

Man, I've love it if you woke up gay and realized you love dudes. Try being a newly gay guy dating dudes. I've witnessed a newly outed male friend go through this and come to one conclusion: "all men want to screw me over." Yeah, he was rejected by a few dudes (also gay) and he used that mindset to approach all his future relationships. He used each new relationship to assert his dominance to avenge some dude that messed with his emotions years ago. What a great step forward. Put all men into one group and assume they're all the same. Awesome growth, dude. And he was shocked when me and all of his other friends distanced ourselves from him. We were sick of his insufferable talk about how men are out to get him. It gets boring. It gets abusive. It is TUNNEL VISION.

Let's put the male-female relationship to the side for a moment. Tell me of ONE TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP that EVER works in a 100% awesome way. Parent-child? Nup. Your best friend from school? Nup. (You might just be out of school. Give it ten years.)

People are fucked up. But by all means, put it down to it just being a problem of "women and dating".

If it's just me saying "I don't care if you are getting laid" that totally BREAKS you, you might want to live a little and develop a thicker skin. Because you think the only relationship situation in your life is dating? NOPE, buddy. Humans are complex people. If you get along with your parents now, wait til they get older and clingier and make your life a living hell. If your best friend from school is still supporting you and being an awesome person, he'll end up neglecting you when he finds something else (a woman, a job, an ideology that conflicts with yours). Your best shot is if you have siblings, IMO - you might not always get along with them, but you were both there during your formative and adult years. They were raised in the exact same environment as you, though you might have been treated differently by your parents. Regardless, they're the closest support network to you. If you want to focus on being a better person who understands perspective, maybe lay off thinking about sex for a bit.

I don't want to get married. EVER. I don't know how many times I have to say this. I don't want kids. EVER. Again, I don't know how many times I have to say this. I don't care if I don't get laid for years. Because I have experience in getting laid by partners I thought were awesome, then they cheated or lied. Do I go onto the forums and bitch about it? No. You know what I've realized? (I'm 38.) Someone else doesn't fill the hole in you. It doesn't fix your self-esteem. There are no unicorns in the male or female gender. People will always have problems. You will always have problems. I will always have problems.

Dumbing it down to "females don't want me" is a very boylike mentality. There's a whole big world out there. Fucking make a mark on it. Think about what you give a shit about. I hope it's not just getting laid because people really ought to want to do things for themselves. Make a fucking difference in the world. It might be helping the neighbour's kid who's crying because his parents are abusive arseholes. It might be telling a hipster at a party that his arguments are flawed, and exposing him as a flake in front of a laughing audience. It might be anything.

Becoming obsessed with women is the no.1 way to fuck up your relationships with women. Just like obsessing over God is the best way to fuck up your life by becoming obsessed with religion. Have you ever considered.... there's more to your life than getting laid? That my opinion on whether you are "hot enough to fuck" is actually meaningless? Who cares? As if I'd know? So.... again, who cares what others think?

Of course if i wanted to play your game ("the opposite gender is evil") I could mention the few times I've been legitimately raped. I could tell you how it feels. But if you look at Married Red Pill, rape doesn't exist so I'm full of bullshit.

I'm a female who's had shitty relationships and so what? I've had good relationships that just didn't turn out, but so what? Man up and be whoever the fuck you are. Sexuality and mating is secondary. If you put women and sex FIRST, you're on your way to a deadbedroom marriage. Who wants that?

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