An Unwanted Kiss on ‘American Idol’

people who claim to be Men's Rights activists should all over.

if you click “other discussions” above, you’ll see they are indeed all over this, by claiming Perry is worse than Weinstein, that all women are sexual assaulters, and that simultaneously this isn’t that bad but if it is bad it’s bad that it’s bad because that means feminists have won and kissing people you don’t know will be outlawed.

And we can't really know the numbers because men don't report(stigma, laughed off, etc).

as a man who was raped, I’d rather not my experience be used by MRAs and people supportive of MRAs to make unwarranted, unjustified, and unsupported claims of how Perry kissing someone—a clear act of abuse—is the equivalent of rape. maybe some of us don’t come forward because we realize nobody actually cares about us beyond a rhetorical cudgel to put others down.

thanks tho

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