Do ancaps advocate a violent uprising to overthrow the state and replace it with anarcho capitalism?

No. Despite it's flaws when exercised to the book, the NAP forbids any such action. I'm with Adam Kokesh, I believe eventually technological advancement will simply revolutionise and replace every service offered by government, exposing their true parasitic nature and removing them from society in a peaceful manner. Bitcoin offers a 21st century monetary alternative to fiat currency. Self driving cars eliminate much policework. The public call for legalising drugs (due to the internet offering the public an un-biased view of such matters and freeing them from cable-TV propaganda) and other victimless crimes eliminates much more, the legalising of cannabis is setting a very good example in that regard. When the public begins to understand how they've been lied to in regard to relying on the police to solve certain "threats", they will begin to question the other "services" offered by the government and how they could be fulfilled without them. I think eventually technology will bring us to the point where the general public will simply view government as an unnecessary obstacle. I know that it likely won't be in my lifetime, but in the coming centuries there will be a struggle between government and technology which has already started with Tor and the encryption battle that rules over control of information and the free market, and I'd like to think that in the end the peaceful populace will win and eliminate the Government's legitimacy, leading to mass tax-avoidance and civil disobedience. The question then is how society chooses to move forward, and I would hope they would embrace our ideals and move forward in a peaceful manor. The governments of the world will have many oportunities to spin technology to their own means, you can already see it happening with people calling for basic income due to the perceived thread of automation, and the governments will have many more opportunities in this regard, but as humanity witnessed with the industrial revolution among many other technological revolutions, the individual will always be imperative to the input of the economy. Man learns to adapt to new things, that much is clear. It's up to man to decide whether or not government is necessary, and I am sure that in the coming centuries they will decide that it is not and will do away with it once and for all.

I don't usually participate here, but I've been an AnCap for 2-3 years and honestly it seems to me to be the most peaceful and civil way forward, I'm not the most well-versed Voluntaryist so I'm not exactly open to debate, but this is just how I perceive the situation. I don't believe we can adequately implant the ideas of AnCapism/Voluntaryism among the masses, but I think human nature demands such ideals as private property among others shared by AnCaps, and that once we do away with government everything else will fall into place even if it slightly differs from the ideal AnCap society. I just long for the individual to be free.

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism Thread