Angry Washington Capitals Fan Body Checks a Woman After Caps Eliminated by Penguins.

WHY is what I quoted absurd to you? You haven't explained fuck all. "Sports are the last bastion for some people's dreams. Everything else sucks but if the team you support wins that means you are winning. People pour tons of effort into memorizing every aspect of not just their team but every team. I know guys at work who follow Highschool football just to be at the ground level of supporting a player. It's absurd." I'm telling you I'm just as into hockey as those guys are in to football. I love a normal life while being that interested in hockey. What. Is. Absurd. About. The. Part. I. Quoted. What is absurd about following a player before he makes it big? Read that carefully and get back to me

Man, you sure aren't very bright and should work on your reading AND writing skills if you can't properly ask a question in response to a statement.

In the context of my statement it was an example of behavior that resembles obsession. Is it obsession in every context? No. Can it be an indicator of said obsession, yes.

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