Anon goes to bar

True story, I was drinking at the Tiki Lounge in Pittsburgh a few years ago. Go to leave, and 6 guys try to jump and mug me and my buddy. I'm having a great time fist fighting, but didn't realize they were trying to stab him. All I know is that one second, I'm wrapped up with this one dude, throwing punches, when all of a sudden my ears start ringing and I see flashes 5 feet away from me.

Realized quickly that it's my buddy shooting 2 of the guys.

They didn't die and it was ruled self defense because witnesses saw them trying to stab my buddy and they were also wanted by the police for other muggings. He never even had to show up to court for it, but the newspaper article said he shot one of them in the groin, so we call him an "unethical dick shooter" now.

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