AnSocs, Define "Real Socialism" And Describe How Real Socialism Is Achieved

As a healthy working-age person not contributing your labor to the workforce, thereby cheating those who do contribute to the workforce out of a percentage of redistributed labor.

The way I understand the system to work (I may be wrong about your particular view) is that all healthy workers contribute to the labor pool, which theoretically allows you to redistribute the products of their equally to all people, in theory allowing you to provide for those who are ill or dependents.

If that is how the system works then an unmotivated worker could either just not work or they could just slack off all day. Healthy workers who do not contribute to the system steal the products of others, the same can be said of redistributing products to dependents (although an ethical point can be made here to support it), meaning that a decent percentage of my labor will be going to someone who willingly does not contribute.

Someone taking my labor/products is theft, in a socialist system I would be forced to work towards a goal of feeding/providing for everyone, while gaining nothing from the arrangement. The sole argument that could be made is that the percentage I lose to those who do not contribute or cannot contribute will be returned to me when I can no longer work.

All of this raises the question of "why work"? I could just not work and get the same products that I would otherwise have, I feel no moral obligation to provide for those who do not contribute and so I do not feel that I must contribute. This would lead a large faction of capitalist believers to abstain from working, thereby stealing a percentage of the true socialist's labor.

This all leads me to a defense of the voluntaryist system (it's my flair). If you want to be communist or communalist or socialist or anarchist or etc. you can. You can just find some land and gather with those who think alike, allowing you to have a more cohesive and efficient system for those in your community.

tl;dr: People who don't work steal a percentage of your labor. Voluntaryism is the right way to go because if you find like-minded individuals you will all contribute.

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