Anti Vax Rally at the HSC

"lockdown is about control"...correct. controlling the spread of the virus...

"masks are child abuse" how are you putting the mask on your kid ffs??

"my body my choice": YOUR body, MY choice...fixed it for you.

"f trudeau, vote ppc" i had never heard of the ppc until they had a rally at a nearby park, i looked up their platform. yikes. they lost me at the vaccine passport but when i read their climate change denial... just totally ignorant.

"no more lockdowns", yes, get vaccinated and prove it. problem solved.

"no forced vaccines" - i agree, but please keep your mask on.

"hugs over masks" - you can hug with a mask on...

i agree with the Pallister vampire face tho...

i was wondering what "Ho Stage" meant, but i realized its Hostage... i dont know what to say to this one.

also, you are protesting at a hospital... a hospital...

/r/Winnipeg Thread Link -