Any fellow Texans

So I got on the most Texas subreddit I could find ATM and posted this-

[I have a BF whose mother is being a complete nightmare. Not going into too much detail. We moved back from HI for me to be with my family as he moved back in with his mother and little brother to help get the house he grew up in back together. Currently she has threatened to kick him out multiple times, degraded him, and makes him pay her mortgage as he works his ass off Monday through Friday and trying to do labor work around her home for free because he loves her and that home and his dad is no longer around. He sacrificed so much to go back to her and help and she has been treating him like shit. Don't know if this is another mom who cried wolf situation about kicking him out but he has no where to go by the end of this month.
He has a really good job and needs it and wants to keep helping the home his father left keep standing and well but is being kicked out.

He needs to find a solid safe place to live and people he can trust.

Please help!]

Both of us actually just were in Austin for weekend 2 ACL. In HI we planned on moving there at some point and want to live there so badly. Mostly what keeps us from doing it now are finances and our parents disapproval however that reasoning is a road block I feel we both are ready to surpass.

This is all so random I just have no clue What to do.

/r/exmormon Thread Parent