Anyone else feel like they're always last priority?

I actually made a very similar post to this subreddit but deleted it after posting a few minutes later. This same particular reason has made me occasionally upset or sad when I think about it and makes me reevaluate everything I have with this one friend. It hurts a lot (in my case) to be somewhat forgotten until they needed me for something minuscule. I tried to make plans but they don’t want to do it and proceeds to hang out with others miles away. When I say I don’t want to do it, they think I’m a buzzkill. If I try to talk to her about it, she’ll probably just brush it off saying I plan things poorly timed (bc of work or school) or it’s not worth trying. In general, I feel like I have a lot to talk about privately with her what’s wrong (like messy stuff), but is it worth it if they won’t genuinely listen?

/r/infp Thread