Anyone else just can’t be bothered today?

Yeah but people make up their own minds about your situation. Ours isn't as black and white as "it's a second home so we're rich so fuck us". It wasn't actually a second home, it was our only home. We chose to live in France because we couldn't afford to live in the UK where the police weren't called to break up a neighbourhood riot and where crime wasn't rife. Our house was worth less than a home in the UK and we loved our life there. But in a short space of time, both my parents got very seriously ill and my wife's dad did too so we closed our little company to come back and look after them and put everything we had into getting a tiny house here which, hopefully we could do up a bit and make some dough on while the French house sold, then we could buy somewhere nicer. In the meantime, we'd pay the bills with freelance work. And then Brexit happened. Not my choice but it delayed our house selling and my work never got going because it depended on financial services and universities - both of which froze up completely. In the meantime, friends and other family members who lived in the EU were suffering as their lives imploded too. A good friend wrote in his suicide note that he was sorry to everyone but he had been worried for a while and Brexit had removed any hope of ever getting back on top so he'd rather end his days looking at his view in Italy than "face a rapidly-darkening future". But you know, fuck us all, we're all rich because we had chosen to live overseas - an option that was sold to us since we were born. What an entitled cunt I am (I was called that).
I'm actually grateful to Brexit in some respects. It's shown me the flaws in the way our country works. It's changed my expectations of a lot of my fellow countrymen and women and it's made me far more independent. I've learned to code and I've had to start again. I feel bruised and battered by it but somehow stronger as a person. Was it all necessary? No. Did it happen? Yes. Is there anything I can do about it to change it? No, there never was. But take anyone from a position of comfort that they've created entirely for themselves whether it's financial comfort or just that they have a better outlook than someone else and ruin it for them and they will feel quite low about it.
Calling them entitled and rich and therefore that they somehow deserved it isn't something that it's comfortable to be on the receiving end of. So, in answer to the original comment about this, I do at times get depressed about Brexit because we had ring side seats for the blast zone. We've lost friends and a phenomenal amount of money and it's caused us to have to start again. The depression isn't so bad now due to the medication I'm on which helped me move on. But, you know, fuck me, I'm a cunt because I lived in France once so I'm rich.

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