Is anyone else not impressed with Zelda BoTW?

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to this but you took the time to research all of that from my history so I wanted to take the time to address your points properly.

In regards to the Apple Watch, it's not being a "fanboi" to admit that if I were in such a scenario I'm going to pick the person that I connect with the most if both candidates were equally qualified. Apple sells a feeling moreso than products and I respect others that appreciate that.

In regards to FF15, the game is a bastardization of the series. The thing that had always been great about FF was each main game in the series took place in a new world with new characters and often an evolved battle system. It just so happens that this time square decided to try and force FF into this weird GTA like box that simply just doesn't ring true to the series. The only thing FF about 15 is chocobos and the name Final Fantasy.

In regards to me supposedly always hating the idea of the Switch, you're totally, completely wrong. If you were to look far back enough in my history you would see that I actually suggested when the Wii U came out that they should have made a system that was first a portable and connected to a dock for play on a tv. I saw the Wii U from the get go as a failed concept and I was right, and I was attacked and ridiculed at the time by people on the Wii U Reddit for having such a " stupid idea". Now we have the switch, years later, just like I had suggested.

/r/NintendoSwitch Thread