Anyone else sometimes just wanna give up on society and say "fuck it, I'll be a hermit".

Nah going to be a bum on the beach is more /r/vagabond stuff. Antiwork is giving the finger to the corporate machine.

I've done it all though; hitchhiked, train hopping, sleeping in tunnels, riding on the back of semi trailers, squatting on roofs, panhandling outside strain station or a grocery store, sleeping in a tent behind home depot etc.

I've also done the corporate gig: office, mindless spreadsheets, deadlines projections, quarterly report and endless meetings.

I have to say, I prefer a happy medium. I live in a van, I can be a bum when I want and smarten up and do the corporate gig as well. All in how I feel and the most important thing is I don't give a shit.

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