Anyone ever read Trail of the Serpent by Inquire Within aka Christina Stoddard?

Kundalini sickness does happen. Had a weird thing with the solar plexus the other day that left me reeling in the middle of bowling almost immediately and it lasted a few hours. It was intentional, and that was perhaps not the best time, but I've been stoked ever since. Fire in the belly is an actual thing. So it might have been wise to seek more training before going all in.

I did not know DuQuette was a fan of the BOTA. he doesn't act like one lol.

I don't believe in a secret society directed by a hidden body that rules the world. Lol. I'm not a fan of identifying with some likely illusory WMT, though. But to me that model is like geocentrism. There's still an Earth, and a sun, and they still have orbits that interact. My assertion that a hidden order to world history is far more complex and abstract and entirely out of human direct control than that is apparently heresy on the level of "eppuor si muove". Lol. But still, one of those people clinging to rational data despite his heart and gut and looking goofy in the process in every thread, I guess.

A) "You"...said...SERPENT POWER! B) tongue in cheek comments about dead eyes are the exact sort of thing a reptilian...uh I mean a reptilian theorist would say! C) you're literally talking about being an ex-Illuminati member who knows active members and you said "surrender external control", like the Mark of the Beast, fiat currency, new age religions and not being allowed to chew gum in school! D) you are therefore a conspiracy theorist and need to learn to be more rational and ALSO TAKE YOUR MEDS YOU GOAT FUCKING MENTALLY ILL SAVAGE!!!!! Beep boop Illuminati confirmed. Thank God Lord Harris teaches us the error of Gnosticism in his paperback books from Penguin I got at Borders!

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