Cold and Distant

Couple things here.

First, you did the right thing by ignoring it; however, don't think it isn't important. It is. As an object lesson for the wife. No matter how RP you are, at some point, you are going to piss her off. And sometimes, you are going to be the one in the wrong. That's fine and normal. Her response, however, needs to be a mature, rational one. The cold shoulder is not acceptable. If the mood passes quickly, then that's fine. Sometimes shit happens and you just don't want to talk about it. That applies to men and women and I've never yet met a guy who doesn't get the exact same way (distant) from time to time.

But if it doesn't pass quickly - and it becomes clear that she's doing this as a way to punish you for something you did, then you need to confront her. Make sure she understands that complaints are to be brought directly to management and that sulking and poor job performance from her is not acceptable.

Second, be careful of TRP making you lose sight of the good qualities in your wife. Hanging around on this sub, and having your eyes opened, can make even the best woman look like shit. You have to remember that while your eyes have been opened, hers have not. Her behaviours are that of her gender and I promise you, without guidance, AWALT. You can change partners if you like, but unless you get very, very lucky, you will have to perform training to some degree on any woman you are with.

So my question would be, have you done anything that would help her learn how to be a more RP woman, or were you just expecting that she would change (positively) in response to your changes? Because if you're not putting any effort into guiding her to a better life, then you're getting out of her exactly what you put in. RP doesn't make marriage an effortless thing. If anything, those who practice RP and choose to get married have more work to do then those who stay single.

/r/marriedredpill Thread