Has anyone here spent a lot of time thinking about career? Do you have insights about what is critical for staying in a job long term (happily)?

I'm still with my first employer, over 15 years by now. So I can't share insights about staying at home as I never lost my job, but I might tell you a little about why I stay with my company for so long, maybe you find something useful:

I work at a company which is big enough so that if I ever wanted to do something else within my job, there might be a vacant post in a different department. Like our company employs several hundred in the same job (though some vacant posts will never be available or interesting for me) Same of course if something happened so I wouldn't like my colleagues anymore. I think if my company would be the size of my department I wouldn't feel that well as I could never change things or avoid some colleagues.

My job challenges me everyday, but still allows me to do some routine tasks.

My boss basically just gives us guidelines and targets, but she doesn't interfere with my everyday work at all. So if I don't feel way and work slowly one day, she doesn't care as long as it doesn't become a habit. I have my workload to do, the if / how / when is basically up to me. Flexitime is always a plus as it makes things a lot easier.

I never minded much about the "career" thing. Over time I went as high as I could, but I will remain on a subordinate level for my entire life. I could apply for training courses for higher level, but I won't do so. I know I can't lead a team, I can't and don't want to organize things or give orders. So the extra money wouldn't outweigh the less enjoyable job.

Maybe that's to sum things up: I'm happy as I know my limit, I don't want to rank high. I like going to work this way. And the second I leave work is the second I stop bothering about it.

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