Is anyone on here in a mutual relationship with more than 3 people?

My fiancé (C) and I were involved with another couple (L & S) that lives a couple of states away (all four of us are gay men, by the way). I say "were" because the current status is... odd. L had some kind of a mental breakdown and abandoned everything to go on a cross country trip. He's still in touch with his husband and my fiancé, but refuses to talk to me (longish story.)

Meanwhile, S has become even more of a shut-in than most due to all the COVID stuff. He's especially worried because he's HIV+, which of course means he's more vulnerable. He's never been great about returning phone calls or texts, so we often go without actually hearing from him for months on end.

So basically, I don't know if we're still actually a proper quad or not, but we were coming up on a decade together before everything started unraveling.

Ugh, it's all depressing to think about because I'm still very much in love with L, but I'm also pissed at him for the way he's handled all of this.

/r/polyamory Thread