Do you know anyone who has won the lottery?

I knew somebody who won £100k.

I was in a really low place at the time, hanging out with dissolutes, drinking far too much, barely hanging onto my job. Anyway. One fellow-dissolute was a single mother, unemployed, her middle-class parents still helped her with a lot of bills and anything left in her pocket soon went on smoking and takeaways and bingo websites &c.

£100k isn't "Buy a mansion and send the kid to a Swiss boarding school" money, but at the time it could have bought a house in our village outright, paid off all the storecards, replaced the questionably-legal old car with something new and reliable, maybe take the kid to Disneyland. And she talked about doing all those things. She talked a lot about starting a small business which would provide longer-term stability. But then in reality she just lived her previous lifestyle at a faster rate. She'd buy rounds at the pub instead of drinking Strongbow at home. Some of the more parasitic folk in our social circle managed to "borrow" thousands from her. Lots more scratchcards and bingo, taxis and takeaways, stuff like that. It was all gone in under a year. She didn't even get to Disneyland. It was like that "lotto lout" chap on a smaller scale.

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