Anything worth much i know its the wrong sub

So, just want to make sure I understand you correctly.

You've got an OP who everyone agrees can use the internet; after all, they are here. They are competent enough to recognize when they are leveraging the wrong firum; so it's not their first rodeo.

Now this same OP has told you they don't want to do a search themselves, and you honestly think the smart thing to do is wipe those lips off, grab some chapstick, and get to work? Hell no.

You're right, by searching here he gets anecdotal evidence that may or may not be made up, may or may not be for items in the same condition, and may or may not be even in OPs area. Or he could do some effort himself, and get actual specific information.

Not to mention, your whole argument about time is just moronic. Searching yourself is faster than waiting for replies that you then have to verify.

I get it, you're one of those helicopter moms who thinks if anyone becomes sufficient you'll lose your role. But just go change your kid's diaper instead - I'm sure their embarrassed still needing to wear pull-ups to Driver's Ed.

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