AOC, Ilhan Omar Call Out Republican Racism in Fiery Speeches

I've always known that most people, here in the United States, are ignorant, stupid, and uneducated. But it took six years of Donald Trump, to help me understand, to help me comprehend, the depth and the breadth of the sea of ignorance and stupidity, that the majority of Americans have chosen to exist in, for what seems to be, the entirety of their lives. It's seems obvious to me, that a majority of Americans, a good 80% of the American people, have the intelligence and the education and the intellect of an 8th grade, or a 12 year old child.

I have come to believe that most Americans, somehow believe, that being ignorant and stupid and uneducated, is some sort of a positive, defining personality trait, which is be pursued and achieved and maintained, over the course of one's life. This is what I have a hard time understanding about most Americans! This perception, this belief, that being ignorant and stupid and uneducated, is somehow a positive and desirable thing, which one should always be working towards and somehow, be proud of.

Thanx Donald, thanx a bunch!! For helping me see, that America is really nothing more. then a nuclear armed, 3rd world, Donald Trump "shithole nation." Thanx Donald, for helping me be, just so disappointed in my nation, America.

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