Apathetic towards life...

Wow. This message resonated with me pretty heavily. I'm 22 years old. But that exact paragraph has ran through my head about a million times since I was 10.

I haven't learned to think differently. I still think that life is boring. But I've taken a new approach. Now, this might not sound right coming from a sociopath like myself but here it goes:

You sound logical. I'd bet you don't believe in God. Which is fine. Neither do I. So, you and I -- for the moment -- have nothing. Let's just ignore our friends, our existential crisis, our depression, and our family for one second. What is left? You. Just your thoughts. We are equals on a plane of existence floating through empty time. A frustratingly linear and slow existence.

However, we still have our thoughts. And if you're a philosopher (as we all are) you believe "I think therefore, I am". And if you believe you are, then you believe something is. Therefore, something is. Which is extremely important if you're experiencing existential crisis because it reestablishes your existence.

So, you're existing. What do you have before you? Many choices, I assume. You can be all of those things: a doctor, a politician, a lawyer, etc. But why? Why do those things if it ends in tragedy?

Because you want to do them. See, it's not about fixing the inevitable. Life isn't about leaving a legacy (despite John Keat's fierce desire). It's about being content, happy, experiencing it all. Explore the Earth. Explore yourself.

This isn't tough love. This is just life advice. It took me a long time to realize that I should be more selfish. It took be years to realize "do what I want". I spent so much time thinking about what it meant that I didn't look at it and ask why?

Life isn't a game (though J.D. Salinger seems to think so). Life isn't for fun. You have to make it fun. You have to pull meaning out of the abyss.

See, before I graduated college, I thought life was boring. I made it boring. I took easy routes. I took easy degrees. I never challenged myself. Now I work full-time while I pay the bills for community college because the only meaning from life that I get is from being challenged. It's not boring anymore because I'm challenged.

Many geniuses struggle under the same issue you struggle. They persevere through challenging themselves. learning. Growing. If you're not learning, no wonder you're bored! I'm a dumb dumb, which means I need slightly easier challenges. I'm taking Calc III right now and I'm loving it. You need challenges to create goals. If you have no goals, make some. If you can't make some, talk to me about what you like and what you don't. If you don't like anything, we can talk about that. I've also been there.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread