Apparently I've "ruined" my graduation announcements.

Ohh so then your graduation was on the 18th too? My cousin graduated in Civil Engineering.
Ok so I have a bit of a story to tell, and I'm kinda glad that this will be hidden by all the other comments, but I need to come clean.
As I said, my cousin graduated in Civil Engineering. We have a pretty big family so, like most graduates, those 7 tickets got used up fast.
She let me know when the ceremony was and said that I was more than welcome to come, but I would probably have to try to sneak in. Challenge accepted.
I spent the next few days trying to figure out the best course of action, and had a plan in place but wasn't too sure if it was going to succeed. Then the day of the graduation came. A few hours before the graduation, I decided to take a nap because thinking of pulling this off made me nervous and sleepy. When I woke up, it was like a light bulb went off. I remembered that I had kept my cap and gown from the year before when I graduated and decided to covertly make my into the stands where my aunt would be once they let the graduates (and me) inside. Awesome. I dug through my stuff and found the items necessary for my disguise. As I was about to leave, my eyes spotted a medal I had won in like a 6th grade science fair. I thought, "Hmmm. There's science-y stuff on it. It'll work." So I put everything on and headed over to CSUN.
Fast-forward a bit, and they're about to let the graduates in...but my aunt hasn't shown up yet.
"Fuck. I guess I'm just gonna have to improvise."
I quickly ran to the booth to grab a name card, just in case, and walked onto the lawn and sat down next to my cousin. At that point, I knew my fate was sealed. There wasn't a way to get out because, as you know, they didn't want anyone leaving early and stuff was roped off. You know how at one point they had asked any student who was wearing a medal to stand up to be recognized for honors or something like that? Ya. I did that too. My eyes got bug-eyed because I was wearing one so I stood up and waved at the crowd. It was kinda funny so me and my cousin were laughing the whole time.
Then they start calling the rows up one by one.
"Shit. I guess I'm doing this."
I'm quickly approaching the stage as they read off all the other names, but I actually starting feeling kinda giddy. I was excited that I was about to pull this off. I take the photos, they call my name, and it was glorious. I was waving my arms, proud of the success of my infiltration. I shake the President's hand, the Department Chair's, and then the Dean's hand (who looked at me a little bit suspiciously). I sit back down in my seat next to my cousin, and no one else knew. Well, not entirely true. She did eventually tell her friends what I was doing, and they just laughed and high-fived me for pulling it off. They called me "ballsy," which made me smile.
But ya it was fun. Aaaaand that's my story. :)
I took screenshots of the proofs I got from GradImages: Yes, I did order some.
TL;DR: I infiltrated a graduation. BS'ed my B.S. in Civil Engineering.

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