Why Apple is in a bubble.

I don't like Apple either, but a lot of the things you've stated here are a bit fanboy hating.

I agree that the Airpods are lame, and the design sucks. But I'm sorry, you can't complain about using battery for bluetooth or the headphone jack going away. Most people have bluetooth headphones now. Cars have bluetooth, speakers are bluetooth, bluetooth headphones are more common than wired now. This is just the way of technology changing.

You don't see people running around with pagers or floppy disks anymore and both of those were invented after the 3.5mm headphone jack.

The Jack takes up a lot of space in the phone that could be better utilized, and honestly most people do and will prefer wireless.

And USB-C on the MacBook is a long overdue step towards newer technology as well. I'm in my Galaxy Note 7 right now, which has a USB-C port. It's faster, symmetric, smaller, and allows more power.

If they didn't push the envelope, they wouldn't stay in business, and yet you compassion that they don't push it enough and their design is boring and lame.

TLDR; You can't complain about them being too innovative and needing adapters, and complain about them being too boring of design at the same time. They need to hit a sweet spot on both accounts to appeal to the masses. And they do a damn good job of doing it.

/r/tech Thread