We are expanding the mod team, Apply here.

  • Reddit and summoner name -TheAsianCreeper for both
  • How old is your reddit account?
  • 2.6 years
  • What languages can you speak?
  • English I can understand a little bit of French (3 years of highschool)
  • How old are you? -19
  • How long have you been playing league? -Since the beginning of season 4
  • Why do you think you are suitable to be a mod? -I have a lot of free time and frequently browse this subreddit. I enjoy the community here and want to contribute to it as a moderator.
  • Have you ever moderated a subreddit before?
  • No
  • How good are your communication skills on a scale 1 - 10?
  • 7
  • What server do you play on?
  • NA
  • What country do you live in, what is your time zone?
  • US Eastern Time
  • Can you do CSS, HTML, image/video editing like skills? -No
  • How important is league rank when answering a question on the subreddit on a scale 1 - 10? Give reasoning behind your number answer
  • 5 because information provided is valuable regardless of the rank of the person answering the question. Sure a D1 player will probably have a better understanding of whatever the question is and can probably provide a more comprehensive answer than let's say a G5 player but any answer is better than no answer.
  • Do you use voice chat programs? (Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrilo, skype)
  • I use skype teamspeak and curse voice
  • What social networks do you use and or follow Summoner School on? (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Twitch.tv, In-game chat room "Summoner School" I follow on Twitter
  • What contributions have you made to SummonerSchool, be it comment, post, video, which you are the most proud/satisfied over -I usually comment on threads regarding top lane because I like playing it. If someone is asking for a good top lane pick I will usually tell them to play Jayce because he's my main and I can give good advice on him.
  • Rate your skills on how good you are to navigate(find things) around on /r/SummonerSchool on a scale 1 - 10 -I'd say 9/10 the side bar really helps
  • Do you bring any other skills or assets to the table?
  • I have a lot of free time and am willing to take on criticism for upholding the rules of the subreddit
  • There's a top post on the subreddit that obviously goes against the posting guideline. What do you do?
  • I remove it and message the OP as to why it has been removed and point them towards the proper subreddit to post in. If they are not compliant and post the link again I will give them another warning followed by a ban if they remain noncompliant.
  • Describe yourself with 3 words
  • Broke college kid
  • Best Disney song, why? -I have never watched a Disney film... I know I'm a monster.
  • Why do you think you can be an effective moderator -I have a lot of free time and frequently browse this subreddit. I am willing to uphold the rules of the sub regardless of any criticism directed at me.
/r/summonerschool Thread