Why are Indians considered ugly even though the Miss World and mister world (lol) are Indians?

The premise of your question is flawed because it varies from country to country. For example, according to this survey by a popular dating site firstmet in the U.K., Indian men are the most desired and White men are the least desired in the U.K. Indian men might less desired in the U.S., but I haven't seen a proper survey showing that as of yet. There has been an OkCupid survey showing Indian men being the least desired in the U.S., but as far as I can recall, it was only for men and women who were older than 35 and most Indian men and women older than 35 would obviously be married and probably not divorced because of the low divorce rates so no one would try contacting them (I might be wrong about the age though. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) Now, the original survey page has been deleted and the media articles reporting this did not mention the ages. All the other surveys clump Indians together with Asians.

/r/ABCDesis Thread