Are the media ignoring Hillary Clinton's scandals?

Dude he's being sarcastic and saying that ap and fox news are the mainstream media.

... they are. I'm confused; I'd really love the poster himself to step in and clarify, because ...

The Associated Press is the mainstream media's mainstream media. They're the ultimate copy-and-paste source for much of the 'legit' national news you see being reported on evening broadcasts, newspapers, online news, and even cable.

Fox News is definitely biased and agenda-driven, but it still pulls down more ratings than any other channel devoted to news, and has done so routinely since 2003. This holds true as of the last measured quarter in 2016..

So, given all that, I have to ask what you believe "mainstream" actually means, besides what the majority of the population pays attention to? I picked up on u/HelloFellowHumans sarcasm, definitely, but to me, it had exactly the opposite meaning you picked up on.

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