Are PC Gamers Being Too Picky?

What is a locked framerate? A capped framerate that is "guaranteed" (in quotes because there is never a guarantee) that it will not drop below the cap. They're synonymous. You can't guarantee that frames won't drop somewhere, so you can't guarantee a locked framerate. You can only cap it at a low enough value that you are reasonably certain it will not drop below the cap. But that's beside the point. I'd like to return to the previous discussion.

Oh god. You are all kinds of misinformed aren't you. They are NOT synonymous. A capped framerate does not guarantee it will not drop below the cap. The cap is exactly that, a CAP, a limit, something that can't be exceeded. A cap does not suggest a lower bound limit, only an upper one. As an example, a game with a capped framerate can render at 1 fps but the logic would still be able to run at 30 fps. You could still play the game and walk at a normal speed, you would just only see an image of what is happening every second. But walking 1km would still take the same amount of time. A locked framerate though, this is used when the rendering is tied to logic. That is if you are rendering at 1 fps then the logic will also be stuck running at 1 fps. That means you will have to wait 30 seconds just to actually experience what would should take 1 second. So walking 1km would take 30 times longer in this case.

I've presented two reasons that a dev would cap framerate, and neither are good reasons, hence the result of poor game design. You have presented no reasons why a dev would cap a framerate that is not the result of poor game design. I'm not going to argue your point for you. There is no legitimate reason to cap a framerate. Ive made my argument. Until you provide a counter to that, I see no reason to continue this conversation.

I've disproven your reasons and arguements already and proved you don't have the slightest clue to know what a capped framerate is or a locked one is. If you don't even know that you probably don't know anything else. You are just spreading propaganda that you read somewhere and took to be true.

Capping framerate is treating a symptom. It's not treating the root cause. E.g., in Fallout 4, having a framerate above 100 fps can cause players to get stuck at terminals. That's a bug. To fix the root cause, you'd determine what actually caused the player to get stuck. Maybe extra frames caused a race condition between the "exit terminal command" and character movement animation? Maybe something else tied to the high framerate. The root cause fix would be to fix that race condition (in that example). The "workaround" fix is to cap the framerate at 95 and call it good. That's poor design. That's bad programming. This is just another example.

I had this issue and I played fallout 4 at 30-60 fps. So whoever diagnosed the framerate to be the problem (probably a fellow consumer of yours) was incorrect.

Maybe extra frames caused a race condition between the "exit terminal command" and character movement animation?

Oh god, do you even know what a race condition is? facepalm, I hope you aren't the guy I talked to before that said he knew what it was, explained something completely incorrect about race conditions then proceeded to link me the wikipedia article to prove he knew what it was. But A for effort for trying to sound like you know what you are talking about when you haven't the slightest insignificant clue.

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