Why are people on the Joseph Murphy Reddit so mean?

I made a post when I was mentally fucked up literally just after learning she had cancer. I immediately went to what I believe in but I have always had trouble with it and wanted advice. This was about getting rid of her cancer. I haven’t been on reddit and I forgot I even made the post. Now over a month later, I learned that she needs a stem cell transplant. I explained above I desire to be her donor. I was asking something new. When he wrote that I realized I asked about her cancer originally. I’m not retelling the same story... I haven’t been involved with Neville and Joseph Murphy in a long time and I wanted advice from people who know a lot and do it often. When you have your closet family member like a twin get cancer and are being told things by doctors and nurses 24/7 - no sleep and depressed - getting bad news and tell me that within a few weeks you’ll be expected to fully be able to change the story. People are allowed to ask about the same topic. Give people a break.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread Parent