You are probably wonderful. Tell me about you so i can make something beautiful for you.

Sophomore in college, been depressed for pretty much my entire life although I've admitted it only in the past few years. So this is how I see myself:

Insomniac who lives inside his own head. Never without earphones. I go on random walks at night pretty much every day, circling endlessly until the voices in my head give way to fatigue and let me sleep. Average intelligence.

Not shy, but standoffish and prideful to a fault. Coupled with the earphones, my demeanor probably makes it seem like I'm averse to conversation. To be honest though, There's nothing more I'd appreciate - I hate to admit it, but I'm lonely. Guarded nonetheless.

Never had a SO, still yet to even have a first kiss. Not overly concerned with it though, as I'm painstakingly slow to even develop a small interest. Would love to have few friends that I can talk to, however.

Used to be curious, wanting to know everything there is to know. Huge reader. The only remnants of that curiosity seems to be a willingness to experiment, and the rest has given way to apathy.

Constantly plagued by feelings of worthlessness and anxiety about the future.

A bit competitive, loves to think and discuss strategy. Strong sense of personal ethics - would never lie to anyone or cheat to get ahead. The law or any rules don't do much to dissuade me from anything, though. In general, a pretty stubborn person who insists on doing things in his own way, although more than willing to listen. Loyal to a fault, but considers very few people friends. Would never backstab anyone regardless, even strangers.

On the shorter side at 5'8". Pretty thin from depression taking away any semblance of appetite. Babyface, and below average attractiveness in general.

I have no idea why I wrote all that. Sorry if it's a bit too impersonal for you to do anything with it. I guess I just wanted an excuse to introspect and be a bit vain.

/r/depression Thread