Why are young men giving up on dating?

Dating is as bipolar as some Me-Me-Me girls pretend to be.

I blame it on the Live, Laugh, Love crowd.The Playboy crowd, and the poors with an over-inflated sense of self and deserving.

Before Hollywood & the internet got their filthy mittens over everything.and people weren't assigning terms to various people, aside from those who were actually deserving of such terms.

When you hear someone who is in their 40's come out of a divorce and say that dating is very much unlike how they remember it to be, I got to see the change in real time just like the rise and fall of MMO community., almost like it has had a bipolar disorder, and then dug its heels in., it's in a state of being constantly on guard and for me personally, I think there was an element of conservatism about it. Over-exposure to society, everyone is incredibly arrogant for some reason and they can'tsolve a Rubix Cube without pulling off all of the stickers

I haven't given up on ending the world.

/r/AskMen Thread