You aren't bothering anyone when you approach and here's why

For them, it's a lot more like going through the line at wal-mart and being offered the credit card, again and again and again.

I feel like you have contradicted yourself when you say that. This is precisely the reason for my nervousness and hence the uneasy feeling that you are reporting. The moment that she realizes that I am going to offer her the credit card is the exact moment that my chances diminish to the point that I would have been better off not asking in the first place. That's a reasonable response from her. Despite how much it hurts to think about it, it would frankly be stupid for her to not go on autopilot in my presence afterwords.

It needs to be expected that a woman you approach is cautious of me and it is understandably so; out of concern for safety at the very least. The basic principle that everyone knows intrinsically is that the aggressiveness of the marketing campaign is inversely proportional to the quality of the product. In other words, the very best brands should not need to advertise much because whatever it is sells itself, solely because of the fact that it is a high-value product. In that light, the solution to my loneliness dilemma is clear; If I wish to appeal to prudent investors, I need to divert funds from advertising and channel it into research and development.

That said, none of this is relevant in the moment that I am asking her out. If I am presenting myself to her then that means I am taking a risk. The idea is to look less like a wal-mart employee offering credit cards and as close as possible to a fortune 500 company who just put a 'now hiring' sign on the front door (this is obviously a massive exaggeration but work with me here). If I ask at the wrong time, before I have developed a sufficient rapport, then I am basically ruining all future chances because once the wal-mart name tag gets put on and I become 'just another guy' it doesn't come off for a long time, which basically means she'll find someone else before it does.

So yes, I understand what you're saying, but you need to understand my side too. Imagine being that wal-mart employee and every time someone declines the offer for a credit card, you have to be alone.

/r/seduction Thread